Bigfoot Ballyhoo / Linda Newton Perry (UPDATED 2021)

Bigfoot Ballyhoo was created late in 2009 by fiction writer Linda Newton-Perry. It chronicled her belief in the existence of Bigfoot, trying to get people to "keep talking Bigfoot." Over the course of the last year (2010), some of the claims being made on the site came under scrutiny.
Perry's has written several children's fiction books, where the main topic surrounds Bigfoot. In 2010, however she came out with an adult fiction book based on Bigfoot.
Bogus Claims and Tall TalesThe Oregon DMV Law
One of the first claims made on the site was the "Ballyhoo" being partly responsible for Oregon, to stop suspending driver's licenses of people whom report Bigfoot sightings. This claim sounded outlandish on principle as no government has officially recognized the creature known as Bigfoot to exist. Only laws protecting it, in the event it does. Dave Paulides of North America Bigfoot Search, was the first to file a Freedom of Information Act form upon the state of Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles and received a letter from the assistant public relations director.
There was no Dale Saxon...Allegedly the senior member of the ESP team was Dale Saxton, who "tragically passed away" a few months after she began writing about the team.
Here we have Linda Newton-Perry’s ESP Team, the late “Dale Saxton” on her “tribute page” to him posting a picture of Dale and the boys, posted on February 4th, 2010, claiming to be from Burnt Mountain Oregon. The picture comes from the Sierra Logging Museum, which was posted on November 18th, 2009 and the original link can be found by clicking here, and lists all the names of the loggers pictured, (absent in the names were Saxton, and Parchell) which was coincidentally shot in the Sierra’s, not where Ms. Newton Perry claims.
But there's more... Well funny, here’s 2 pictures taken by Vern Rogers in 2006 on his Fotabug page.
More blatantly lifted and misrepresented photos. It is also note in the LNP posts the copyright was blurred out.
The ESP Team "Big Clyde" HoaxLNP's interlude with a set of Bigfoot Researchers named Dale Saxton, Cole Saxton (Dale's son), Bill Emery and Hank Parchell began shortly after she started her blog.
On August 3rd, 2010, Perry announced to the world that Bill Emery (now leading the team), had obtained several trail cam photos of a Bigfoot, and over the period of the next three months, Perry and the alleged team, held us at bay. Finally the first picture surfaced.
As it turns out, thanks to one of Autumn Williams' readers they quickly surmised that this was an altered photo of the creature from the 1977 copyrighted film, "The Legend of Sasquatch."
Coincidentally the movie had a character in it named, "Hank Parshall." Sru Lake HoaxLNP loved to speak of sighting reports around Sru Lake in Oregon, but all of her stories sounded suspiciously alike. She had rebuffed the claim by providing a picture of the SRU Lake gate...
In actuality the picture was taken in 2007, and found here, as a result of the Kim family from San Francisco, California going missing in Oregon on November 25th, 2006. This was the gate the family found opened and entered the area. Unfortunately Mr. Kim succumbed to the elements.
She got caught red-handed posting a picture of a track, claiming to be at Sru Lake, which turned out belonged to Florida researcher Tim Fasano.
We also located a video of Vince being interviewed at his full time job in Fort Worth, again notice the scar on the nose. -->
ESP Team Busted as a FraudOn January 9th, 2011 we were tipped of from an anonymous source that they had found "Bill Emery's" pictures on a professional photographer's website. We followed the link to discover the following pictures.
We corresponded with the photographer and learned the background behind the photos and learned that "Bill Emery" was actually somewhat of a local celebrity working at the Fort Worth Stockyards, a tourist attraction to the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
While on the site, to our surprise we came across to our surprise pictures of "Hank Parchell"
On January 29th, 2011 at the request of, Texla Cryptozoological Research traveled to the stockyards to see if they could locate the persons in the photographs allegedly of "Bill Emery" and "Hank Parchell."
They were armed with only these pictures to verify identity... The researcher, using the pictures, identified "Hank Parchell" as one Gene Tilley, and soon met up with Tilley.
From the investigator: "I'm reporting what I could find out this morning at the Stock Yards. The researcher, using the pictures, identified "Hank Parchell" as one Gene Tilley, and soon met up with Tilley.
2016 Updates
UPDATE # 1 "The Miller Document"
Miller Document Hoax
Yes folks, there seems to be some buzz about the so called “Miller Document.” This document alleges that H.A. Miller had some sort of experience in examining Sasquatch bodies both in Texas and California.
First lets consider the source of the “document.” It comes from the Bigfoot Ballyhoo blog. Yep Linda Newton Perry and yet another female “informant” with no last name and a bunch of made up internet bloggers which give their “comments” saying how dear Sophia is telling the truth. Again all of these are backed or reported by usually woman giving only their first names, and never once has a video or voice recording of any of these folks been made. So far this is what we have found out…and believe me we are paying attention to her again.
None of which fit. What it appears that information between the two has been confused. The Miller that existed in the early 1900’s was a MD (who obtained his MD in Pennsylvania) with a Ph.D, however it appears that the one in the picture was just an M.A. in Forestry. Remember that it’s because of the MD that all this Bigfoot involvement took place.Another interesting note is in the narrative itself.
First we hear his graduation dates regarding forestry very specific;
“I completed an additional year in Forestry science and graduated in 1930 with an A.B. from Yale University and an M.F. in 1931 (M.F. is a Master of Science in Forestry).”
The Miller Document
However when it comes to the Medical Degree, it is non-specific. A sign an interrogator looks for in an untruth.
“Graduating from Harvard medical school (Harvard) in the early 1940s…”
The Miller Document
Given the information from the Alumni Association Memoriams, there are cracks just in the first few hours of looking at this document. This is nothing new to the information consistently placed on Bigfoot Ballyhoo.
First we hear his graduation dates regarding forestry very specific;
“I completed an additional year in Forestry science and graduated in 1930 with an A.B. from Yale University and an M.F. in 1931 (M.F. is a Master of Science in Forestry).”
The Miller Document
However when it comes to the Medical Degree, it is non-specific. A sign an interrogator looks for in an untruth.
“Graduating from Harvard medical school (Harvard) in the early 1940s…”
The Miller Document
Given the information from the Alumni Association Memoriams, there are cracks just in the first few hours of looking at this document. This is nothing new to the information consistently placed on Bigfoot Ballyhoo.
UPDATE # 2 Naive Sympathy
There seems to be this constant sympathy for LNP on certain sites, prove to naivety. Rest assure we have seen a consitent and constant pattern. We've attempted in the begining to assist LNP with the matter of the ESP Team. But she blindly defied all logic and defended them as if she has had tea and crumpets as Ms. Sparkles with them. Shortly after exposing the pictures of two main members of the ESP team, Bill Emery and Hank Parchell, Ballyhoo/LNP claimed that our information was false, and then started pasting other pictures in place of the onces she was using.
Pre-debunked Bill Emery |
Post De-bunked Bill Emery |
And for some reason although we never debunked Cole (which is a hint he came from somewhere on the same site.)
Clearly the new three are not the same as the old three. Similar, but upon close examination, facial features such as ears nostils in some cases eye shape are all different.
Update # 3 LNP hangs it up. Hopefully keeping her promise...
It looks like LNP has finally thrown in the towel. We sincerely hope its not due to health reasons, but we can't say we are sad to see the nonsense go.
2017 Updates
UPDATE #1 Linda is back... in October 2016 another phony story
The picture on the left was published on the Ballyhoo site in October 2016 along with "Jerry Lustin" espousing the discovery in 1962 of a Bigfoot body.
However very quickly discovered was the picture on the right, which was not the two men as claimed by the Ballyhoo article, but "Lustin" was a well known proprietor of an eatery in Washington State, Buzzy Franklin. (Source: More matter of factly, one of the many "Squatchers" I know was quick to point out she knew Buzzy and ate at his former establishment many times. |
Update # 2 Another team member debunked!!!

So we happened to look at the thumnails in the folder on Photo Base, which is where the original Buzzy Franklin picture came from and low and behold we see another familiar face!!!
The phony person whom Bigfoot Ballyhoo is allegedly dedicated to,
"The Late Dale Saxton."
The phony person whom Bigfoot Ballyhoo is allegedly dedicated to,
"The Late Dale Saxton."
The picture on the right is a screen cap of the dedication of Bigfoot Ballyhoo.
The picture on the right is the real picture, posted in 2006 on Photo Base, of a gentleman running charters for salmon fishing on Ilwaco, Wash. In the background you can actually see the 2006 salmon charter schedule! Source: |
2021 Updates
Miller Document completely debunked!!!