The Bard
Introduction...Every once in a while there is a hoaxer that intrigues me. See this hoaxer thought he could fool me with the "Secret Agent" angle. A story in which he was a Seebee "Sniper." (which BTW they do not have snipers in the SeeBees) who trained military to which he believed are now tracking down Sasquatch and killing them to eliminate the potential of closing areas of forestry if they are discovered. The man vouched for his abilities and his abilities to obtain equipment, and wanted to join the Squatchdetective Field Investigation Team.
I of course was highly dubious and planned to meet him, but stalled several times, knowing time was on my hand when it comes to hoaxes. Little did he know I was checking him out using my skills as a former PI. Coming to some initial conclusions, however, he made a huge slip.
The Claims...
James Hayes claimed to have been a retired SeeBee who's MOS was a Sniper. Unfortunately, knowing the military, SeeBees are trained on standard weapontry and perhaps a .50 Caliber SAW. They may at times maintain a tripod weapon on top of a HUMVEE or an MRAP. But the sniper stuff is left to the Army and Marines, while the Navy also lends a hand to Bomb Disposal. His stories are quite predictable with the whole conspiracy theory, even suggesting "black helicopters" being involved at one point.
My orignal plan was to meet him face to face as he stated he is now living in Upstate New York near the Canadian border. His phone number did track back to Monatana which he stated he lived in in the past and Idaho as well which is where his alleged military encounter had occurred. I did not plan on going and my number 2 on the field investigation team is a Former Marine with a VERIFIED MOS as a sniper so his input will be crucial, and I am sure he would have happily torn apart any inconsistensies about the finer arts of weapontry and weapon handling. Of course life happens, and both of us had things going on throughout the month of September and we were shooting now for October. Throughout the month however, encounters were now happeining abound at Hayes NY residence. Another sign that something is amiss.
His want to get into the field team was a bit sounding desparate to me. He goes on to speak of someone I showed him a picture of. I have no idea what he is talking about, leading me to suspect he is running his little scam on someone else.
Finally we have yet anouther story, of course much more melodramatic and involving "mystery helicopters" and such. This is an attempt to speed along his ruse, but he was getting no satisfaction from me. I was merely documenting them for the eventual face to face to see how they would deviate. I also noted for a Sniper; he mispelled ghillie suit.
Breaking the camel's back...
In every great ruse for the debunker, there comes an "Ah-Ha" moment. SInce emails weren't getting a faster than needed response by me from him, he decided to give me a text with some photo "evidence." So while I am on the way to the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo, I receive this on my phone...
Immediately recognizing this photo, and having good phone signal, I thought it was time to end this ruse with a little bit of "gotcha." You see this photo is actually a video cap of a video taken in Spokane, Washington back in 2011. I remember messaging the woman responsible for the video, who stated she didn't want any publicity for the video. ("Then why put it on YouTube?" I thought.). Anyhow, bottom line is he confirmed my suspicions 100% by this exchange, and it's time for the charade to end.
Who was he???
Well James is actually former Navy not SeeBees, or at least he claims on dating sites. What we do know is that is made the Missoula Sci Fi Con rounds as a Bard. (Which is a story teller.) And runs a seminar on How to be a Bard and speaks on, "Charisma, Confindence, Participation adn Preparation as well as stubborn 'Stick-to-itivness'."
Unfortunately for James, stories don't always cut it with me unless there was some documentation to go with it. If his goal was to see how good he was, or get me to spend some bucks trying to meet with him for BS, well so sorry he failed. Now rest assure the person pictured to the left IS the real JC Hayes. We won't post his dating site pics or info, but we found a little chuckle in the fact he listed himself on one profile we came across listing his body type as a "body builder." |