The Vermont Trail Cam Photo (September 2010)
The question remains what exactly is photographed? There are several prevailing theories that remain:
1. An Owl - Dr. MacCabees Analysis,and our analysis rules this out. 2. A Man in a Ghillie Suit - Any reader, that has one that would like to assist us, please contact us, as we would like to test this theory as soon as possible as well. 3. An unknown. We will continue the investigation to test some of these theories as more come up and keep you posted here as we get more results. Please understand that the submitter ( Frank) has been 100% cooperative and is just as interested in proving or disproving these theories. Update 5/26/11:
Ghillie suit seems unlikely. 1. It was not hunting season. 2. Area has been posted with, not so friendly warnings. ( see above) 3. Subject appears not to be carrying a firearm. Radio Show with property owner Frank |